Thursday, December 3, 2015

Nixie Clock: Debugging

Well, as soon as I began programming, I ran into issues everywhere. Along with all the issue I listed yesterday, I realized that the flux I used, Kester SP-30, (which my dad for me a got for me a long time ago, but I never used it) was plumbing flux. And according to the data sheet, it is "too corrosive for electrical or electronics soldering applications." More searches turn up that not before long this flux will probably corrode all the SMD joints.

I decided to test my hypothesis that the flux residue was conductive and causing the numbers to light up randomly. I wrote up a simple program to cycle between all the digits one by one to see if there were any shorts between and pins. Interestingly, sometimes digits near the one that was actually powered would light up. As the number which was powered got closer to the numbers that weren't supposed to light, the ones no supposed to light up got brighter. There was definitely some sort of connection between multiple digits, and only thing I could think of was the residue.

I took out some isopropyl alcohol and cotton swaps to begin cleaning off the residue, hoping that the lighting up issues would go away and to see if I could minimize any future corrosion from the flux.I didn't have a brush handy so this took quite a long time, and in the end there were cotton fibers caught all over the place on pins and not all the flux in tight spaces were gone.

After cleaning up as much as I could, I tested the clock out again and it improved significantly. The last digit was no longer lighting up, and fewer digits were lighting up out of place. The reset line was now holding at 5V and didn't require the extra wire any more.

I will definitely need a brush to clean out all the flux residue. I hope this will solve all the issues so I can get back to programming.

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