Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Nixie Clock: Finally Ready for Programming

After several pass with the toothbrush, isopropyl alcohol, and the occasional use of the soldering iron, I finally got all the issues ironed out. It tool quite a while to clean off all the flux, and every time I had to re-solder a pin, I made sure to clean the flux off.

Here is a video showing all segments operating independently:

The first set of scrubbing solved the majority of the issues, but after that there were still digits that were connected through the flux. I did a several more passes, but then I found out that some of the pins on one HV5622 (the one that I didn't trim down the legs on) weren't electrically connected to their footprint pad. I had to solder those and scrub again.

Here's what it looks like almost fully cleaned:

Ready to program.

I also accidentally touched the high voltage line rail several times. It didn't hurt, but it definitely had a "harsh" tingle to it. I won't be doing that again any time soon (I hope).

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